Friday 23 March 2018

Pottering around in the Pocket Park

It has now been about three and a half years since Chris and I moved out of Byfield but we still feel closely tied to the community and get involved in a range of activities. Today it was work in the pocket park. Pom Boddington plus five, including Chris and myself, rolled up our sleeves and got stuck in. 
A major job involved clearing Elder, Sambucus nigra. A few insects such as the rather pretty micro-moth Elderberry Pearl, Anania coronata, make use of the leaves and twigs and of course the berries are so enjoyed by birds that in the season their droppings are frequently stained purple. Nevertherless on balance they are of no great importance for wildlife. Some fairly big specimens had to go.
Elder logs piled up by elderly people at the pocket park gates. Byfield.
23 March, 2018
We piled them into a whopping great heap near to the gate, Pom hoping that passers-by will bear them off for wood-burning stoves; personally I'll be happy for the logs to moulder away. Pyromania temporarily seized the group when we followed up the clearance work with a bonfire for the remaining debris.
The weather was kind to us - cool but dry and windless - ideal for heavy work.
Chris demonstrates advanced seed-sowing skills on a suitable bank.
Byfield, 23 March, 2018
Pom had acquired a  mix of wildflower seeds, so we finished the morning with Chris scattering them on to suitable banks. We went home very grubby and reeking of bonfire smoke. Happy days!

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