English Bluebells, Hyacinthoides non-scripta Root Spinney, 26 February, 2014 |
It is likely that there was vestigial woodland already there, for not only does the wood contain some mature oak but it is carpeted with native Bluebells to such an extent that I could not avoid trampling on them. I must revisit the wood in late spring when the plants will form a sea of blue.
Not only is Root Spinney well managed but so too are the surrounding fields. All the fields have broad margins, rarely under 2 metres wide and frequently up to about eight metres.
An Ash tree overhangs a broad field margin near Root Spinney. 26 February, 2014 |
These edges contain a good selection of wild flowers - no rarities as far as I am aware but none the less welcome. They are also a refuge for a wealth of insects, many of which (hoverflies, ladybirds. various bees) are beneficial to crops.
The woodland has a canopy of oak, ash, birch, cherry and willows, with an understorey mostly of hazel but with a few holly, blackthorn and elder bushes. The trees are quite widely spaced, allowing sunlight to reach the woodland floor.
A victim of recent high winds. Root Spinney, 26 February, 2014 |
A number of trees have been felled by recent high winds and it appears that they are to be allowed to decay in situ, benefiting wood-boring insects, fungi, etc.
Decaying tree stump at Root Spinney 26 February, 2014 |
The loose bark provides a refuge for a range of invertebrates, ranging from woodlice and centipedes to snails and spiders. Within a few years woodlice and wood-boring larvae of various insects, aided and abetted by fungi, will completely destroy this tree stump and return the mineral salts to the woodland soil.
Honeysuckle climbed, rope-like, into trees. Root Spinney, 26 February, 2014 |
The public footpath through Root Spinney. 26 February, 2014 |
The main path, treacherous at the best of times, had been rendered even more difficult by the local hunt. I met Tim Boddington on the footpath and he informed me that the hunt had passed through twice in one day. Unsurprisingly I was forced to tread warily as I pressed on. Awkward though the conditions were, I knew that it would be a worthwhile exercise as, beyond the wood, the same landowners have created some very attractive lakes.
One of the lakes below Root Spinney 26 February, 2014 |
Though of recent origin these lakes are now home to an interesting range of aquatic flora and fauna, a range which is likely to increase over future years.
Yellow Brain Fungus (?) with the lichen Xanthoria parietina on a small branch Root Spinney, 26 February, 2014 |
Although I have waxed lyrical about the area I saw nothing of outstanding interest today. A small growth of what I believe was Yellow Brain Fungus, Tremella mesenterica, could not be called an epic discovery. But I shall return.
So I headed home. I didn't use my sweep-net once.
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