Calliphora vomitoria taking on nectar at ivy. Byfield, 30 September, 2015 |
Ivy is now well in bloom in many places and, as usual, is proving a magnet for insects, including this female blowfly, Calliphora vomitoria.
The flowers will be attracting insects for weeks now, until...
Save grey-veined ivy's hardy pride
Round old trees by the Common side,
The hedgers toil oft scares the doves that browse
The chocolate berries on the Ivy boughs.
Clare's Shepherd's Calendar, 1827
...but the chocolate berries are yet a couple of months away.
White Dead-nettle, Lamium album, Byfield Pocket Park, 30 September, 2015 |
For nectar the ever-dependable White Dead-nettle is there for bees being in flower for nearly every month of the year. Here in the pocket park it is supplemented by plants of marjoram.
Marjoram in a flower bed at Byfield Pocket park. 30 |September, 2014 |
Sun Spurge in Byfield Pocket Park. 30 September, 2015 |
Sun Spurge, Euphorbia helioscopia, was also in flower on disturbed ground. It receives an occasional visit from insects but I suspect may also have a self-pollination mechanism. I was pleased to see it as it is new to the pocket park, being the 127th flowering plant I've recorded there. It was accompanied by Purple Dead-nettle.
The yellow berries of Viburnum opulus 'Xanthocarpum'. Byfield Pocket Park. 30 September, 2015 |
For those creatures for whom berries form part of the diet, the red fruit of the wild Guelder Rose was supported by the yellow-berried Viburnum opulus 'Xanthocarpum', in a shrubbery. The berries are moderately poisonous to humans, causing stomach upsets, but seem quite acceptable to birds. Of course the Guelder Rose is not a true rose but a member of the Adoxaceae.
In places the shrubs and trees in the pocket park have grown to the point where they are obstructing footpaths. A job for our occasional working party!